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Medical biophysics is a science at the intersection of medicine, physics, biology and technology. It includes molecular biophysics, cell biophysics, quantum biophysics (biophotonics), biophysics of organs and tissues, clinical and physiological cybernetics, robotics and other areas. Training of highly qualified personnel in the field of professional activity: Education and science (in the fields of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education, scientific research); Healthcare (in the fields of functional diagnostics of organs and systems of the human body, biomedical research aimed at creating conditions for the preservation of health, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases);  Administrative, managerial and office activities (in the field of personnel management of the organization).

Key disciplines of the program:

General and medical biophysics, Medical electronics, General and medical radiobiology, Medical Genetics, Biophysical foundations of functional diagnostics, Ultrasound diagnostics, Radiation diagnostics, Functional diagnostics, Radiology, Modern trends in telemedicine technologies.

Partners and experts involved in the implementation of the program:

Medical Center of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Far Eastern Federal University", KGBUZ "Vladivostok Polyclinic №. 3", KGBUZ "Vladivostok Clinical Hospital №. 4", KGBUZ "Primorsky Regional Oncological Dispensary", KGBUZ "Primorsky Regional Clinical Hospital №. 1", ANO Regional Medical Center "Lotos", LLC "Professional", FSGID "1477 Naval Clinical Hospital", SBHI "Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2".