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The biennial master’s program in English is devoted to research in the field of Data Science. In the modern digital world, more and more sought-after professionals have competencies in Data Science. The knowledge gained through this program will allow graduates to work in various companies around the world. In any branch of human activity, it is necessary to process data, find hidden patterns, and predict the future behavior of an object according to its past state. This is all a specialist area of expertise in Data Science.

The field of Data Science is huge. The curriculum is designed in such a way that graduates of our program gain knowledge and skills about various areas of Data Science. In addition to theoretical training, much attention is paid to practical exercises.

All teachers leading disciplines are highly qualified, have a degree not lower than a PhD and have extensive practical experience in their field of activity.

The educational process uses modern technology and teaching aids. Modern computer labs, multimedia lecture halls, classes for mathematical modeling, unlimited access to the digital library, modern E-Learning and distance learning technologies used in the process of mastering the program will help to successfully master this master’s program.

For the development of general cultural, general professional and professional competencies in the NUST MISIS created all the favorable conditions.