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Progamme Focus

The programme of the discipline "Fundamentals of Nursing" covers all aspects of basic nursing activities for patient care, while performing diagnostic and therapeutic measures, nursing process and interventions. Use simulational learning allows students to consolidate their knowledge, to acquire necessary practical skills to adapt quickly to the professional environment.

The discipline "Theory of Nursing" creates a holistic view and understanding of the evolution of theoretical and practical approaches to the theory and practice of nursing in Russia and abroad, the impact on the legal status of the nursing profession, education, training and scientific activity.

The discipline "Special Care" involves the study of medico-social, deontological, psychological problems and peculiarities of the organization of specialized nursing care. The students master the competencies in specialized nursing care for patients with various pathologies and age.

The programme on the subject "International Relations in Nursing" forms practical skills and reveals the role of the world health organization and professional nursing organizations in determining the status of the profession of a nurse.

Programme advantages

  • The use of telecommunication technologies consultations, web conferences with leading Russian and foreign clinics

  • The Center for Simulation Education designed for the acquisition of practical skills in a "no stress" (without the permanent supervision of a mentor, without risk for the patient) and formation of professional competence of students.

  • Educational programme on specialty Nursing is practice-oriented (72 weeks different practices)  in nursing care in pediatrics, surgery, gerontology, oncology, urology, neurology, pulmonology, cardiology, endocrinology, trauma, incontinence, palliative care, etc. in university clinics and  multidisciplinary units of clinical hospitals of Moscow.

Graduates` expertise and career opportunities

  • General cultural, general professional and professional competences of the graduates must be formed as a result of mastering the educational programme

  • Graduates can work in social services, relief societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and Research Institutions

  • Graduates can continue master’s training
