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Progamme Focus

Disciplines are divided into several modules:

  • Humanitarian, social and economic cycle (includes philosophy, bioethics, history, history of medicine, law, foreign languages, Latin language, economy)
  • Biomedical, scientific, mathematical cycle (includes physics, mathematics, medical Informatics, chemistry, biology, anatomy man, histology, physiology, pathological physiology, Immunology)
  • Professional cycle (includes all special disciplines for acquiring professional dental skills: prevention and community dentistry, prosthetics, surgery of the oral cavity and many other disciplines)

Senior courses students study allied medical disciplines such as general surgery, obstetrics, dermatovenerology, neurology, psychiatry 

  • Practices held in clinics and centers are aimed at acquiring the basic manual skills 

Programme advantages

  • Studying of modern innovative technologies for diagnostics and treatment of the teeth and oral cavity diseases, i.e. modern 3D modelling and milling of dental prosthesis (CAD / CAM), 3D radiology, implantology, maxillofacial reconstructive surgery, complex tooth replacement.

  • The use of telecommunication technologies consultations, web conferences with leading Russian and foreign clinics

  • The Center for Simulation Education designed for the acquisition of practical skills

Graduates` expertise and career opportunities

  • Graduates can continue internship training in Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain.
  • Graduates can continue postgraduate training
  • Graduates are employed in health care institutions of various forms of ownership, such clinics as "RZHD", "PRESIDENT", "ALL YOUR"
