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Envinronmental Engeneering Camp

The ecological situation in Russia definitely has a number of features.
The program in the quest form is aimed at acquainting students with some of the main environmental problems of the metropolis of St. Petersburg and ways to control and solve them.
During the program, students will receive a comprehensive theoretical base for the pollution of aquatic environments and methods of biotesting, will receive sampling skills and skills on the device "Biotester".
In the second module of the program, students will gain knowledge of radiation safety and master the skills of working with a dosimeter.
The program will be interesting both for environmentalists and environmental engineers, and for students who want to get to know the Amazing and multifaceted nature of Russia more closely.


  • the main sources of water pollution in megacities.
  • The concept of biotesting, ciliates, chemotaxis.
  • biotesting technique.
  • concept of radiation
  • natural and anthropogenic sources of radiation
  • radiation safety.


  • use the methods of monitoring studies to assess the ecological state of the environment;
  • analyze the environmental situation, identify the causes of environmental violations, make decisions on their elimination;
  • research work with equipment
  • environmental activities.
  • ICT use (methods, methods and algorithms for collecting, storing, processing, presenting and transmitting information).
The program involves the application and development of acquired knowledge and skills in practical classes.

Small group work, alternation of lectures and exercises, oral debates and presentations, essay preparation, laboratory research and structured modeling - all this is actively used to encourage students to deepen their knowledge, become familiar with new research techniques and decision methods, critical thinking .