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Programme Focus

Education in the field of European regional studies is one of the most prestigious areas of training in the developed world.

The main educational goal within European Studies is to provide a student with in-depth fundamental training in the field of international relations, world economy and politics, as well as bilateral and multilateral cross-cultural communication.

An integral part of the educational process is classes in foreign languages. The programme includes the study of two languages of the region, the main of which is English, recognized as the language of international communication and diplomacy; a second foreign language is chosen by students themselves.

 Programme advantages

The learning process includes the application of innovative methods, new information and communication technologies and modern multimedia courses, as well as high-quality educational material and innovations in the field of foreign language teaching methodology.

The Institute of Foreign Languages of PFUR is accredited by the London Chamber of Commerce as the International Test Centre of LCCI International Qualifications. After completing their studies, students pass international certification exams which give them the opportunity to work and study abroad.

 Graduates’ expertise and career opportunities

Graduates can carry out professional activities in bodies of state and municipal management; prestigious international organizations (including the public ones); diplomatic missions, cultural centers and embassies of foreign countries; international archives; international publishers; media, including television; banking institutions carrying out international operations; prestigious national companies advancing into Europe; large foreign companies; tourism and hospitality industry; hotel and show business; own business of international orientation, etc.

