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Specializations within this programme

  • Environment Design

    The field of graduates' professional activity includes:
    • Research and design (creation, transformation, preservation, adaptation, use) of the architectural environment, diverse spatial complexes and objects included in them, control over the project implementation;
    • Performance of communicative, intermediary functions in relations between the customer, construction contractor, the local community and other interested parties in the formulation, explanation and promotion of design solutions;
    • Management of the research and design process, organization of the design firm’s activities, administration of the architectural and design industry and the process of creating systems and objects of the architectural environment at the local and regional levels;
    • Theoretical understanding, critical analysis and assessment of the prerequisites, methods, results and consequences of the design of the architectural environment as a sphere of knowledge and industry, assessment of design solutions; architectural and design pedagogy that implements the preparation and training of professionals for the design of objects and systems of the spatial environment, including its equipment.
    • The objects of professional activity of graduates of the Master’s degree program are:
    • Spatial habitat of a person with its components (spaces of cities and settlements with architectural and design objects and engineering structures included in them, landscape-recreational complexes with their equipment and natural content, interiors of buildings and structures with their equipment) , equipped in accordance with the functional and technical and aesthetic requirements of the necessary design tools and systems (acoustics, color, lighting, temperature and humidity conditions, information, designed objects);
    • Specialized functional and artistic complexes for equipping natural, urban and interior environment (information, communication, domestic comfort), exhibition objects of various significance and type, as well as digital, verbal, graphic, three-dimensional and other models of these objects necessary for searching techniques and means of sustainable development of the environment.

    Types of professional activity:

    • Artistic and aesthetic;
    • Project;
    • Research;
    • Pedagogical
    • Communicative.