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Research supervisor: 
Dmitry Gryadunov
PhD, DSc

Supervisor’s research interests:
Study of molecular mechanisms of drug resistance in bacteria and viruses, design of specialized DNA and protein microarrays, development of nucleic acids amplification and hybridization techniques, stateof-the-art technologies in molecular biology and molecular diagnostics, genomics of socially significant and biowarfare infectious agents, complete integrated microfluidic device design, engineering of portable systems for real-time clinical and forensic diagnostics

Research highlights:
We developed, patented and implemented in clinical practice an original technology of hydrogel microarrays. This platform serves as a basis for a number of state-of-the-art approaches for a multiplex analysis of DNA and the protein biomarkers of socially significant diseases, including the molecular genetics, immunological, and epidemiological aspects of pathogenesis. 

Supervisor’s specific requirements:
  •  Nucleic acids amplification methods.
  •  Nucleic acids isolations methods.
  •  NGS and Sanger sequencing.
  •  Genetic engineering/ cloning methods.
  •  Bioinformatics tools (knowledge of Python/R/etc. languages is welcome).
  •  Statistical methods of analysis. 

Main publications:
  •  Shaskolskiy B, Dementieva E, Kandinov I, Chestkov A, Kubanov A, Deryabin D, et al. Genetic diversity of Neisseria gonorrhoeae multi-antigen sequence types in Russia and Europe. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2020;93:1-8.
  •  Savvateeva EN, Rubina AY, Gryadunov DA. Biomarkers of Community-Acquired Pneumonia: A Key to Disease Diagnosis and Management. Biomed Res Int 2019;1701276.
  •  Kubanov A, Solomka V, Plakhova X, Chestkov  A, Petrova N, Shaskolskiy B, et al. Summary and Trends of the Russian Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Programme, 2005-2016. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2019;57:e02024-18.
  •  Gryadunov DA, Shaskolskiy BL, Nasedkina TV, Rubina AY, Zasedatelev AS. The EIMB hydrogel microarrays technology: thirty years later. Acta Naturae 2018;10(4):4-18.
  •  Zimenkov DV, Nosova EY, Kulagina EV, Antonova OV, Arslanbaeva LR, Isakova AI, et al. Examination of bedaquiline- and linezolid-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from the Moscow region. J Antimicrob Chemother 2017;72:1901-6.