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The purpose of the educational program in the direction of training 06.06.01 Biological Sciences profile Soil Science is the training of highly qualified personnel with deep knowledge in the field of fundamental soil science and capable of solving a wide range of professional and managerial tasks.

For this, the educational program in the direction of training 06.06.01 Biological Sciences profile Soil Science should solve the following tasks:

- to form the most important universal competencies that do not depend on a specific area of ​​training; general professional competencies determined by the direction of training Biological sciences and professional competences of the profile Soil science;

- develop the ability to analyze scientific material and write scientific publications; filing applications for grants; writing design works;

- to form the necessary skills for work in higher education;

- to give all the necessary amount of fundamental knowledge as a basis for further scientific development and self-improvement; self-creation of new knowledge.

The area of ​​professional activity of graduates who have mastered the postgraduate program includes:

study of living nature and its laws;

the use of biological systems - for economic and medical purposes, environmental technologies, protection and rational use of natural resources.

The objects of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the postgraduate program are: biological systems of various levels of organization, the processes of their life and evolution; biological, bioengineering, biomedical, nature conservation technologies, biospheric functions of soils; biological expertise and monitoring, assessment and restoration of territorial biological resources and the natural environment.

The types of professional activities for which graduates who have mastered the postgraduate program are preparing:

research activities in the field of biological sciences;

teaching activities in the field of biological sciences.

The postgraduate program is aimed at mastering all types of professional activities for which the graduate is preparing.

In modern socio-economic conditions for the development of the Far East, it is extremely necessary to train highly qualified personnel in the field of biological sciences. This should ensure a new quality of life in the Far East region, create a stable economic and environmental situation. The federal target program "Preservation and restoration of soil fertility of agricultural lands and agricultural landscapes as a national treasure of Russia" has been one of the priority areas of development of our country since 2006, actively funded by the state and in dire need of specialists in the field of soil science.

The content of the program assumes:

• formation of skills of independent research and teaching activities;

• in-depth study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of biological sciences;

• improvement of philosophical education, including one oriented towards professional activity;

• improving knowledge of a foreign language, including for use in professional activities;

• preparation of a candidate dissertation for the degree of candidate of sciences.