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This innovative Master's programme is designed for university graduates, researchers and specialists and is focused on training a modern teacher in various fields of professional activity with knowledge and practical skills in neuropsychology, neuropsychological diagnostics, neurolinguistics, cognitive pedagogy, teaching and learning methods, didactics, age psychology, kinesiology as well as modern methods used for research.

By acquiring a working knowledge of cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychological diagnosis you will be able to understand human nature and analyse the mechanisms underlying language and thinking, emotions, behaviour and other phenomena of the human psyche. You will learn how to identify cognitive distortions in thinking, understand how humans perceive information, manage learners' cognitive development during learning, including identifying clear correlations between the learning process and physical changes in the brain, and monitor learning and the learner's condition.

The high level of theoretical and practical training contributes to social mobility, high competitiveness and sustainability of our graduates in the labour market not only at regional and federal, but also international levels.