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Specializations within this programme

  • Main Courses
    The methodology and history of neuroscience;
    - Legal, ethical and philosophical issues in neuroscience;
    - Cognitive psychology and pedagogy;
    - Functional anatomy of the brain;
    - Neuropsychology;
    - Neurolinguistics;
    - Differential psychology and psychodiagnostics with a workshop;
    - Statistical methods and mathematical processing of psychological and pedagogical research data;
    - Methods of brain neuroimaging;
    - Practical course of English;
    - Professional foreign language terminology with a practical course;
    - Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education;
    - Intercultural Communication in Pedagogical Activity; Modern Technologies of Mediation in Education;
    - Modern Technologies of Mediation in Education;
    - Cognitive models of learning and education of children and adults;
    - Design and examination of educational systems.
  • Practical training and career opportunities
    Practical training and career opportunities Close cooperation with the professional community will enable you to gain invaluable practical experience and experience the immersive effect of the profession.
    Leading scientists from around the world will share their work experience and professional secrets.
    Internships take place in a variety of formats in educational institutions, laboratories and resource centres and guarantee employment for graduates.
    Case studies, laboratory research and experiments, online courses, online simulations, master classes, simulations, field studies, and participation in professional competitions all allow you to plan your professional development.
  • Professions
    Professions Specialists in this field are modern educators who are ready for self-improvement in the profession within the framework of continuing education and self-education and for innovative self-realisation in various fields of professional activity.
    Successful completion of the Master's programme will enable graduates to carry out professional activities as researchers in research centres, to work as teachers at all levels of pre-school, school and further education, in higher education institutions and correctional education and development centres.