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The objects of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the training program - 44.06.01 Education and pedagogical sciences, training profile 13.00.08 "Theory and methods of professional education" are educational and socio-cultural systems, the processes of training, upbringing, development, socialization, pedagogical expertise and monitoring.

A graduate student must:

be ready to carry out independent research and scientific-pedagogical activities;

own a knowledge system:

- about the history and modern trends in the development of professional pedagogy and education, about a person as an object and subject of the educational process, his age, individual characteristics;

- about the laws of the integral pedagogical process, about modern approaches to vocational education and the practice of their implementation;

have a research culture in the field of educational sciences;

know the main legislative and regulatory documents in the field of education.

The area of ​​professional activity of graduates of the qualification "Researcher, teacher-researcher", in the direction - 44.06.01 Education and pedagogical sciences (training profile - 13.00.08 Theory and methods of vocational education) includes the study of pedagogical processes, educational systems and their patterns, development and use pedagogical technologies for solving the problems of vocational education.

The specificity of the educational program of postgraduate study The theory and methodology of vocational education is focused on training specialists who are able to carry out:

- research activities in the field of vocational education based on knowledge of general laws, principles and methods of vocational training and education, taking into account the specifics of their implementation in modern conditions;

- teaching activity on educational programs of higher education based on the pedagogical experience of the past, through its rethinking and evaluation.

The main areas of professional activity of the candidate of pedagogical sciences are:

organizations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;

academic and departmental research organizations related to the solution of professional and pedagogical problems;

professional educational institutions of all levels of education, any form of ownership and departmental subordination.

The relevance and specificity of the educational program "Theory and Methods of Professional Education" is due to the demand in the field of education for specialists who are ready and able to effectively combine professional activities in practical and scientific fields, creative, having their own opinion and ready to answer for their decisions, thinking outside the box and acting, able to find optimal problem solving through the study and rethinking of the pedagogical experience of the past.

The disciplines of the variable part of the program are necessary and sufficient for the formation of general professional and professional competencies of a graduate, taking into account modern requirements for scientific and qualification work and the requests of employers (universities, research institutes, secondary specialized educational institutions, etc.).

The main areas of professional activity of the graduate of the postgraduate study of the educational program "Theory and Methods of Professional Education" are:

organizations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;

academic and departmental research organizations related to the solution of professional and pedagogical problems;

professional educational institutions of all levels of education, any form of ownership and departmental subordination.
