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The types of professional activities for which graduates who have mastered the postgraduate program are preparing:

• research activities in the field of shipbuilding and water transport;

• teaching activities in the field of shipbuilding and water transport.

The postgraduate program is aimed at mastering all types of professional activities for which the graduate is preparing.

The area of ​​professional activity of graduates who have mastered the postgraduate program includes: research, educational, design and engineering, production and technological, organizational and management, expert activities in the design, construction, repair, modernization and disposal of ships and vessels of all types and purposes; design, manufacture and operation of ship engines, ship systems and equipment; operation of sea and inland waterways, infrastructure of water transport and fleet; navigational and hydrographic support of navigation, study and development of the World Ocean in the interests of maritime transport; ensuring safety and requirements of international and national legislation in the field of water transport.

The subject of research of professional activity in the profile "Physical fields of the ship, ocean, atmosphere and their interaction" are the sources of the physical fields of the ship, patterns and features of the emergence and formation of these fields, the conditions of their propagation and interaction with the natural physical fields of water and air, methods of measuring and analyzing fields.

The main professional educational program is a complex of the main characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions, forms of certification, which is presented in the form of annotations (general characteristics) of the educational program, curriculum, calendar curriculum, work programs of disciplines ( modules), practice programs, research programs and state final / final certification, including assessment tools and methodological materials, as well as information about the actual resource provision of the educational process.

The Department has been closely cooperating with telecommunications organizations and enterprises of the Far East region, and with individual enterprises for more than 50 years. Every year they send requests for graduates of the educational program "Physical fields of the ship, ocean, atmosphere and their interaction." Graduates of postgraduate studies are in demand in design, research institutes and higher educational institutions, instrument-making manufacturing enterprises and organizations, state security agencies and administrations (Limited Liability Company "Arctic", Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "Institute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences ").
