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Philology is the language science. In practical terms, this area of knowledge, involves working with informational texts. in the 21st century the specialists with advanced skills in work and processing of informational skills are in high demand. This programme is aimed to provide student with professional knowledge and skills based on the idea of universalism, which is shown in a fundamental theoretical training, providing a high level of research, teaching, applied activities where the key elements are languages, literature, text, and communication. These aims are focused on strengthening and development of the continuity of Russian national humanitarian tradition, based on the balance of theoretical and practical, fundamental and applied elements. The programme includes study of complex linguistic, literary and cultural disciplines, training of subjects of psycho-pedagogical cycles, methods of teaching of philological disciplines, and undertaking of pedagogical practice. The University and the programme train student for conducting research activities in the related fields, teaching activities (teaching and dissemination of Russian language and a number of philological discipline) and gives them a solid basis for further study at Maaster's and PhD programmes of related fields. The programme includes the courses related to study of Russian language in its theoretical, practical, synchronous, diachronic, and socio-cultural aspects; fiction literature and folk arts; different types of texts - written, oral, virtual; oral and written communication.