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Programme Focus

The programme includes three blocks: Disciplines (modules), Practice and Final State Assesment. Block "Disciplines (modules)" and the block "Practice" consist of a mandatory part (basic) and a variable part. The basic part of Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)" includes special subjects. Block "Practice" includes a training simulation course and a clinical practice. The programme is aimed at forming practical skills in: implementing a number of measures aimed at the preservation and promotion of health, preventing of disease in children and adolescents, their early diagnosis; conducting preventive medical examinations; undertaking anti-epidemic measures, applying social and hygienic methods; defining patients symptoms, syndromes, diseases. Optional courses the student chooses independently. The residency is developed in terms of disciplines (modules) aimed at preparing the Final State Assesment in accordance with exemplary programmes approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Programme advantages

  • The programme offers training according to the world-class professional standards.
  • Prominent professors, highly qualified specialists representing medical enterprises are engaged in training
  • The Center for Simulation Education designed for the acquisition of practical skills
  • The programme provides high-tech interactive learning environment


Graduates’ expertise and career opportunities

  • Practical work as a pediatrician

  • Working in leading pediatric health care institutions of Moscow, Simulation Centre of PFUR

