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Specializations within this programme

  • Preparation of highly skilled athletes in the sport favorites

    This educational program is focused on the formation of general culture, and professional competencies of graduates, ensuring the success of coaching, teaching and research activities in the sphere of sports.

    This cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary Master program involves the preparation of socially and professionally competent teaching staff able to develop and implement various innovative approaches and technologies in the performance of sport, integrating scientific achievements in related sciences.

    During this education process undergraduates will obtain the knowledge and experience to resolve psycho-pedagogical and medico-biological issues while supporting sport activities, managing sports training and improving athletic training in various sports.

    Executive: Irina Manzheley, 

    Phone: +73452413888,

  • Management and Economy of Physical Culture and Sports

    The educational program provides organizational and managerial preparation of specialists for scientific, educational and research activities as managers and researchers in a variety of spheres of physical culture and sport existing in the new socio-economic conditions.

    This interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary program includes the study of goals, objectives, principles, laws, policies, systems, functions and management methods of physical culture and sport; strategic management; financial management; marketing and organizational forms; regional and municipal segments' of physical culture and sports activity spheres; entrepreneurship; legal relations in sports, sports organizations and factors of social and economic efficiency; specifics of the economic laws; systematic type of organization and management of physical culture and sport at the present stage and the ways of its transformation into a new socio-economic relations.

    Executive: Valentin Zuev
    Phone: +73452413888,
