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The objective of the program is to train specialists for professional endeavors in the area of high-tech and science-intensive production management. 

Core disciplines are led by real-world specialists engaged in management consulting, including at enterprises in the aerospace cluster. This allows students to study the practical experience of solving sophisticated managerial tasks. 

Within the scope of the program, cooperation has been well coordinated and experience-sharing is regularly conducted with the world’s leading universities. 

The uniqueness of the program lies in its practical application of the interdisciplinary principle of learning. The distinguishing features and specifics of management in the area of high-tech production are explored by utilizing the research centers and laboratories of the Institute of Engine and Power-Plant Engineering at Samara University.

Graduates of the High-Technology Business Management program have the opportunity to build their careers in management positions at the leading production enterprises – or to test their potential as the owner-operator of their own innovation businesses.

Programme «High-Technology Business Management»
High-Technology Management Summer School

Brief characterisation of the programme

The objective of the program is to train specialists for professional endeavors in the area of high-tech and science-intensive production management. 

In the study process, students gain key skills in the management of production-and-technological processes at both major research-and-production centers, as well as at SME innovation enterprises. This acquired knowledge allows program graduates to analyze, structure and coordinate any business processes directly associated with production, as well as with the performance of the company’s supply-and-marketing functions.

Features (advantages) of the programme

The High-Technology Business Management program encompasses a wide array of the disciplines essential to the performance of management functions. Particular emphasis is placed on: strategic management, e-commerce, economics of high-tech enterprises, logistics, financial and project management, risk assessment and corporate communications. 

The uniqueness of the program lies in its application of the interdisciplinary principle of learning. The distinguishing features and specifics of management in the area of high-tech production are explored by utilizing the research centers and laboratories of the Institute of Engine and Power-Plant Engineering at Samara University.

Core disciplines are led by real-world specialists engaged in management consulting, including at enterprises in the aerospace cluster. This allows students to study the practical experience of solving sophisticated managerial tasks. 

Within the scope of the program, cooperation has been well coordinated and experience-sharing is regularly conducted with the world’s leading universities, such as: 

  • Tsinghua University (PRC);
  • Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong); 
  • University of Houston (USA);
  • Purdue University (USA);
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA). 
This makes it possible to ensure that the educational process includes cutting-edge examples of global experience in the field of high-tech management.
The learning process actively incorporates the use of information technologies, multimedia resources and the study of the applied-program packages most commonly used in real-world management practice. Many cases in this educational program are presented in electronic form, thereby allowing for distance learning.

Academic programme structure (curriculum features)
Total study volume of the educational program – 120 course credit units (CCU).
Consistent with the State Educational Standard for higher education, the core academic program consists of three blocks: 
  • academic disciplines – 54 CCU; 
  • practical training, including scientific-research work – 57 CCU; 
  • state final certification – 9 CCU. 
Organization of the study process assumes auditorium lessons, including: lectures, workshop (seminar) classes and laboratory work. The share of lectures in the total volume of auditorium lessons amounts to 29.63%. 
The academic-discipline block includes: 
  • core portion – 18 CCU; 
  • optional portion – 36 CCU. 
During their course of study, graduate students take part in four practical internships: 
  • Internship: teaching practice (second semester);
  • Internship: educational practice (fourth semester);
  • Internship: production (organizational and managerial) practice (fourth semester);
  • Internship: undergraduate practice (fourth semester).
The first, second and third semesters of study envision a significant amount of scientific-research work (up to 10 CCU each semester).
During their course of study, students must pass 9 exams and 7 pass-fail tests; prepare and defend 5 term papers. 
The study process concludes with the preparation and public defense of a graduate qualification work in the form of a master’s dissertation. 
The academic schedule envisions evening study. Classes are held in the English language.

Future profession
Program graduates can apply their newly-acquired managerial competencies in one of the following fields: 
  • industrial enterprises, including high-tech and science-intensive firms; 
  • creation of startups and development of privately-owned innovation businesses; 
  • commercial, non-profit, state and municipal organizations where graduates work as analysts, employees or managers in various services of the management apparatus; 
  • research-and-development organizations involved in the solution of management problems; 
  • institutions of higher education and advanced career-development systems – as consultants and instructors. 
What’s more, program graduates can continue their studies at the next level of education – graduate school.