National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod

Russian Federation
Nizhny Novgorod
4 reviews
Trofimov Oleg Vladimirovich
Trofimov Oleg Vladimirovich

International students are full members of our large university family. Over the last five years, the activity of international students has increased manifold. In a bright and interesting way the guys show all Nizhny Novgorod citizens the traditions of other countries and develop the dialog of cultures. NNGU successfully develops the activity of national communities of international students. Six of them have already been established - Syrian, Algerian, Egyptian, Turkmen, Indian, Latin Ameriса

About organization

Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky. N.I. Lobachevsky State University was founded in 1916. Currently, NNGU is a member of the Association of Leading Higher Education Institutions of Russia and has the status of a "national research university".

NNGU has 18 faculties and institutes where Russian and foreign students study.

NNGU is a key participant of the world-class scientific and educational center "Technoplatform-2035", the innovative scientific and technical center "Quantum Valley", the National Center of Physics and Mathematics.

On its base were opened a world-class scientific center "Photonics Center", Artificial Intelligence Center and Advanced Engineering School "Space Communication, Radar and Navigation".

We in counters

25 000
1 900
international students
educational programs
faculties and institutes for foreigners

University infrastructure


The Center for Educational Programs for Foreign Citizens (CEPIG) is a structural subdivision of NNNGU and was established to develop internationalization of the university, export education, promote Russian language and education in Russian in the international educational space.

NNNGU Media Center

The Media Center is a base for training journalists. Here students are taught how to navigate the modern media space, and here students-journalists undergo their internships. The Media Center's filming pavilion is equipped with a virtual studio, a teleprompter, studio video cameras and so on

University Hospital

UMK is a structural subdivision of the Institute of Clinical Medicine and was established to provide medical care, improve the educational process at NNGU, including advanced training and retraining of medical personnel and expanding the scope of research activities.

Center for Innovative

The Center's mission is to support innovative projects at the stages of development, implementation and commercialization. CIR supports educational programs to train highly qualified personnel for enterprises, including on the basis of research and development carried out by the Center's resident

Scientific institutes of NNGU

Six research institutes of NNGU are the most powerful growth points for the region, drivers of new technologies creation. Nowadays, the university's research institutes have about 500 permanent staff specialists and about 100 laboratories, where practically all modern directions are represented.


The structure of NNNU includes 6 dormitories where students live. The dormitory rooms are equipped with beds, tables, chairs and closets. There is a common kitchen, shower, toilet and hallway. Laundry and drying rooms are located on the floor. Study rooms and a gymnasium are available for students.