Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
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The University implements an ecosystem “university - student - employer” for comprehensive career development of students in order to increase the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.
Students can: learn about the offers of Russian and international companies for internships and employment, get to career events.
How does the university help with employment?
Every year Polytechnic University organizes Job Fairs and Youth Career Forum, where students and graduates of the university have a unique opportunity to:
- to communicate with representatives of the largest Russian and international companies,
- learn all the latest news of the labor market,
- attend lectures and master classes by top speakers from the largest Russian and international companies,
- prove yourself at business games and master classes,
- improve your communication skills,
- find internships, traineeships or your dream job.
Where do graduates work?
After studying at Polytechnic, graduates become true ambassadors of science and work in research laboratories and production of safe polymer lithium-ion batteries. The joint Russian-Chinese centers ETRI and NEMTRI are headed by Polytechnic alumnus Wang Qingsheng.
Gazprom Neft
The Gazprom Neft-Politech Research and Education Center was established at SPbPU to attract talented young people for training in the oil and gas industry and their further employment in the Gazprom Neft-Politech Research and Education Center, the Gazprom Neft Science and Technology Center and other
The largest oilfield services company - one of the leaders in oil development and production - organizes internships and contests, based on the results of which SPbPU students and graduates can find a job with the company.
Our graduates participate in such projects as: application of artificial intelligence in medicine, data compression without quality loss, optimization of video compression algorithms for video surveillance, problems in transport monitoring systems, solutions for speech recognition, and many others.
Rosatom State Corporation
SPbPU is Rosatom's core university for training foreign professional personnel in the field of energy, partnership cooperation, workforce development, joint development of training courses and English-language master's degree programs dedicated to current industry topics.
Roscosmos State Corporation
In 2022, with the support and direct participation of Roscosmos State Corporation, 16 small spacecraft of the Space Pi educational project were launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, 2 of which were developed by students and postgraduates of SPbPU. Two more are planned to be launched in 2024.