MIREA — Russian Technological University

Russian Federation
10 reviews

Интернациональный театр

Интернациональный студенческий театр РТУ МИРЭА «Постскриптум» объединяет студентов из разных стран. Репертуар театра включает лучшие произведения русской и зарубежной классики. Стать актером театра может любой желающий.

Culture and Creativity Center

RTU MIREA students can attend 25 free-of-charge drama, singing and dancing studios. Every year the university holds more than 350 student events of the national and international scale, some of them abroad.

Volunteerism Center

No man is an island. Being of service to the community, helping people and protecting nature are all important parts of our life. The Volunteerism Center organizes socially significant projects and events at university, city, country and international levels.

Student Research Society

The University promotes the development of its students’ research capabilities and competence in science by actively getting them involved in research, innovation projects, and educational outreach.

MIREA Students’ Union

IIts current membership is over 25,000. Not once, the Union was one of the winners of the Best University Student Self‑Government Model Contest held by Russia’s Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The Union covers all spots of student life — education, creative and sports activities, and work.

RTU MIREA Ecosystem

Students are the heart of RTU MIREA’s life. The University fosters an environment in which everyone can fulfill his diverse ambitions — whether professional, academic, artistic, athletic, or social. Here every person can either carry on with their favorite pursuits or explore something new.