Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Telephone: +812, + 643-77-67, ext. 26-69, ext. 26-71)
e-mail: most@herzen.spb.ru
You can ask your questions about employment opportunities on our official VK page at https://vk.com/mostspb
How does the university help with employment?
• Assists with temporary and permanent employment: job and internship opportunities on request.
• Collaborates with organizations and companies on employment issues: organizing career days, job fairs, presentations, round tables, and seminars with representatives from leading industry companies, creating long-term cooperation programs.
• Offers psychological support regarding employment: helps with resume and portfolio, and interview preparations.
For Students and Graduates:
Facultetus is a digital environment for university career centers that accumulates job openings, internships, and partner events.
Register as a student or graduate of Herzen State Pedagogical University and start monitoring the newest job openings and internships across Russia now: https://facultetus.ru/herzen