Bauman Moscow State Technical University
We are a higher technical school. Our mission is to create a scientific and technological future, to educate new generations of Russian engineers. We educate engineers and technology leaders, connect generations, strengthen Russia's defense capability and technological independence, serve as a source of ideas, provide expertise, and participate in the development and implementation of new equipment and technologies for a sustainable future.
About organization
Bauman Moscow State Technical University is a Russian national research university, a scientific center and a particularly valuable cultural heritage site of the peoples of Russia.
The success indicator is the formation of the concept or image of a "Russian engineer" in the mass consciousness in Russia and abroad.
We in counters
University infrastructure
In 2024, a new campus was put into operation at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The federal project "Creation of a network of modern campuses" is being implemented within the framework of the national project "Science and Universities".