Direction, code 21.05.02
Applied Geology (6 years)
Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
Submit documents
Places on a budgetary basis
Contractual seats
600 000
Cost of training per year
About the training program
In the process of training in this specialty, students become deeply acquainted with the fundamental foundations of Earth sciences, study in detail the geology of mineral deposits, conditions of their formation and location in the Earth's crust, composition and methods of diagnostics of natural types of ores. Students in theory and in practice master the methods of studying minerals, rocks and ores. The programs of academic disciplines provide training of highly qualified specialists in many areas of applied geology.
What you will learn
- Sedimentation environments and facies
- Geochemistry of rocks of oil and gas bearing basins
- Groundwater prospecting and exploration
- Special geologic mapping
- Laboratory methods of studying mineral raw materials
- Computer technologies for modeling the geological environment
- Crystallography
- Water supply and engineering reclamation
- Fundamentals of mineral science
- Industrial types of mineral deposits
Career opportunities for graduates
Specialists take part in expeditionary geological exploration and research works, conduct monitoring of field development, field geological and geophysical studies, perform geological substantiation of field development, estimate resources and reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials. Graduates can work both in geological exploration organizations or geological scientific institutes, and at mining enterprises, including those abroad. Initial positions: engineer-geologist, district geologist, mineralogist, researcher, expert gemologist, etc.
Passing score on the budget
Entrance tests
Exam 1 of 3
Entrance examinations are conducted in the form of a written examination in a face-to-face or distance format. The duration of the exam is 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes). For entrants under the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation the entrance tests are not provided.
Exam 2 of 3
Russian language
Entrance examinations are conducted in the form of a written examination in a face-to-face or distance format. The duration of the exam is 3 hours (180 minutes). For entrants under the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation, passing entrance tests is not provided.
Exam 3 of 3
Physics or Chemistry
Entrance examinations are conducted in the form of a written examination in a face-to-face or distance format. The duration of the exam is 3 hours (180 minutes) for Computer Science and 3 hours 55 minutes for Physics. For entrants under the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation, passing entrance tests is not provided.