Direction, code 28.03.01

Nanotechnologies and Microelectronics

Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI»
Submit documents
Places on a budgetary basis
Contractual seats
312 000
Cost of training per year

About the training program

The Nanotechnology and Microsystems Engineering program trains research and development specialists who will design nano- and microscale devices and instruments. Studying the properties of materials plays a special role here. You will be able to modify materials beyond recognition and carefully study their properties. You will be involved in microscale mechanics. You will make sensors, microlabs to help doctors, microchips, and anything else you want, but with the prefix "micro-" and "nano-". It will be difficult, but interesting!

What you will learn

  • Materials and elements of electronics
  • Solid-state electronics
  • Physicochemical bases of micro- and nanotechnology processes
  • Micro- and nanomechanics
  • Microcircuitry
  • Diagnostics of micro- and nanosystems
  • Bionics
  • Quantum and optical electronics

Career opportunities for graduates

Integrated Circuit Developer Microelectronics Process Engineer Medical Equipment Developer Nanostructured Materials Designer Micromechanical Devices (MEMS) Developer Installer of Test and Diagnostic Equipment Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Device Developer Integrated Circuit Developer

Passing score on the budget


Entrance tests

Exam 1 of 5


Part I. Fundamentals of Theoretical Chemistry Part II. Elements and their Compounds Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry
Exam 2 of 5

The Russian language

1. Morphology -follow the rules of agreement and control in phrases and sentences; -use different parts of speech to express synonymous meanings; -correctly use words of different parts of speech to connect sentences in the text; -avoid unjustified repetition of words in the text. 2. Spelling -morphological principle as the leading one in the Russian spelling system; -consolidated-separate-hyphenated spellings; -uppercase and lowercase spellings. 3. Syntax and punctuation 4. Culture of speech The full list of exam topics can be found at the link
Exam 3 of 5


The program of the entrance examination in the discipline "Mathematics" is formed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary (Complete) General Education. The program for the discipline "Mathematics" consists of two sections. The first of them is a list of the main mathematical concepts and facts that the applicant must possess. The second section lists the main mathematical skills and abilities that the examinee must possess. The full list of exam topics can be found at the link
Exam 4 of 5

Computer Science

1. Information and information processes 2. Human information activity 3. Basic principles of computer operation 4. Technologies for creating and processing text information 5. Technology for creating and processing graphic and multimedia information 6. Technology for processing numerical information 7. Technologies for searching and storing information 8. Telecommunication technologies 9. Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming The full list of exam topics can be found at the link
Exam 5 of 5


1. Mechanics -Kinematics -Fundamentals of dynamics -Conservation laws in mechanics 2. Liquids and gases 3. Molecular physics. Thermal phenomena 4. Fundamentals of electrodynamics -Electrostatics -Laws of direct current -Magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction 5. Oscillations and waves -Mechanical oscillations and waves -Electromagnetic oscillations and waves -Optics -Elements of the theory of relativity 6. Quantum physics -Light quanta -Atom and atomic nucleus The full list of exam topics can be found at the link

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