Direction, code 21.03.02
Land management and cadastres
Southern Federal University
Submit documents
Places on a budgetary basis
Contractual seats
Cost of training per year
About the training program
The program is aimed at preparation of highly-qualified bachelors for professional work in state, public and commercial organizations. The acquired competencies will give graduates the opportunity to find a job in the labor market, adapting to a variety of working conditions in the field of public and municipal administration, corporate structures and non-profit organizations. During the course of training, students receive knowledge in the field of land management and cadasters, with in-depth study of theoretical and practical aspects modern geoinformation technologies.
What you will learn
- Engineering arrangement of territories
- Technical tools of cadaster systems
- Information security management
- Geo-informational systems security
- Geographical and land-informational systems
- Geographic informational systems software
- Fundamentals of geo-informatics
What do graduates do for a living?
The educational, professional and social significance of the program consists in the training of highly professional modern specialists who are able to effectively, through the use of fundamental knowledge, modern information technologies, carry out a type of professional activity in the field of cadastral registration, engineering and geodetic surveys, engineering and technical design in urban planning, valuation of real estate, contribute to the development of the economy, increase the level of culture and the life of the population.