Direction, code 06.05.01

Bioengineering and Bioinformatics

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Submit documents
Places on a budgetary basis
Contractual seats
193 500
Cost of training per year

About the training program

Students can choose one of the following tracks: - Bioengineering module (development of new materials and biological devices using biological components, new genetic constructs, transgenic organisms and artificial tissues) - Biomedical module (development of medical devices, biomaterials, methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, as well as creation of innovative technologies to improve the quality of medical care) - Bioinformatics module (use of informatics and computer methods to study biological data and process genomic, proteomic and other biological data)

What you will learn

  • Evaluation and validation of genome alterations
  • Assembly of vectors for the transfer of genetic information
  • Ability to use Sam tools, bowtie, GATK and other programs to analyze NGS and Oxford Nanopore data
  • DNA sequencing using the Sanger method
  • Synthesis of biopolymers
  • Cultivation of mammalian cells
  • Modeling the operation of gene networks
  • Development of screening test systems for the analysis of variants in DNA
  • Conducting experiments on targeted modification of the genome of organisms

Career opportunities for graduates

Graduates of this program have deep knowledge in the field of modern methods of analyzing biological objects, synthetic and computational biology, genetic and protein engineering. They can realize themselves in many areas: from the design and development of medical drugs to the creation of autonomous cities. Graduates can work in research laboratories and institutes; in companies developing applications using technologies based on neural networks and artificial intelligence; in companies developing software for the analysis of biological systems.

Passing score on the budget


Entrance tests

Exam 1 of 3


Entrance examinations for bachelor's, specialist and basic higher education programs are held online in the second half of July. A detailed schedule of all entrance examinations will be published on our website in June. Please note that entrance examinations for this degree programme is conducted in Russian language. You can find detailed programs of entrance examinations for all subjects on our official website at the following link:
Exam 2 of 3


Entrance examinations for bachelor's, specialist and basic higher education programs are held online in the second half of July. A detailed schedule of all entrance examinations will be published on our website in June. Please note that entrance examinations for this degree programme is conducted in Russian language. You can find detailed programs of entrance examinations for all subjects on our official website at the following link:
Exam 3 of 3

Russian language

Entrance examinations for bachelor's, specialist and basic higher education programs are held online in the second half of July. A detailed schedule of all entrance examinations will be published on our website in June. Please note that entrance examinations for this degree programme is conducted in Russian language. You can find detailed programs of entrance examinations for all subjects on our official website at the following link:

Our other training programs