Direction, code 05.03.06
Ecology and Natural Recourse Management
Southern Federal University
Submit documents
Places on a budgetary basis
Contractual seats
Cost of training per year
About the training program
Professionals working in the environment sector are expected to have at least a basic understanding of the issues in their field at the onset of their careers. This will demonstrate their passion for the field. After educational program students can work as experts in the sphere of environmental design (development of the environmental part of the design documentation for the enterprises under construction/reconstruction); or specialists in engineering and environmental surveys; or ecologists providing environmental support/reporting for operating enterprises.
What you will learn
- Specialized disciplines - Fundamentals of geodesy and topography, Geoecology, etc.
- Disciplines in a foreign language Géochimie environmentale et santé humaine, Biogeochemistry
- Basic disciplines -Geology, Geography with the basics of Earth science, etc.
What do graduates do for a living?
Our graduates can be employed at state management bodies for nature management and environmental protection as Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology or environmental departments of industrial enterprises. Graduates can become an Environmental Scientist, an Environmental Engineer, a Hydrologist, an Environmental Specialist, an Environmental lawyer, Urbanist-ecologist, Recycling technology, etc. Most of our students are employed state institutions (university, college) and in research organizations related to the study of the environmental state of the environment.